FDP on NAAC – CO PO mapping IMERT is in process of applying for NAAC accreditation. CO PO mapping is a crucial concept in NAAC SSR. Hence a FDP was organized by IMERT on CO PO mapping for its faculty members on 9th November 2017 (10.00 AM to 1.30 PM). Resource person for the FDP was Dr. V. N. Gohokar (Electrical Department, MMCOE). Dr.Gohokar has worked in various capacities including Principal at SSGMCE Shegaon and has dealt successfully with various accreditation processes in his work life tenure. He explained the Outcome Based Model with various illustrations to the participants. He told that the focus has changed from Teacher centric to Learner centric mode. The Graduate attributes (knowledge, skills, attitude and behavior) are important while considering Programme Objectives (PO). He explained Direct and Indirect tools for evaluating POs in detail with illustrations. He stressed that the thrust of NAAC is Analysis and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). 15 faculty members from IMERT attended the session.