The objective of MoU :
1 Navayuvak Entrepreneurs will assist IMERT ED Cell in Mentoring startups by bringing in sector-specific mentors from its network.
2. Conduct workshops, boot camps for the development of students.
3. Navayuvak Entrepreneurs will act as a non-monetary partner for all the relevant events (startup festival, Hackathon,etc.) and facilitate the participation of industry partners in the same.
4. Co-create any new initiatives that would mutually benefit from engaging partners.
MoU between Navayuvak Entrepreneurs & IMERT ED Cell on 21/12/2020 for Organizing Entrepreneur Development activities for students.
Following members/representatives present for signing the MoU.
1.Dr.Jitendra Bhandari, Director, IMERT
2.Mr.Nikhil Jain, Strategic Alliance Manager, Navayuvak Entrepreneurs
3.Mr.Aditya Motiwala, Member , Navayuvak Entrepreneurs
4.Dr.Vinod Mohite, ED Cell, IMERT
5.Mr.Vivekanand Gaikwad, ED Cell, IMERT
6. Mr.Swapnil Kharde,ED Cell,IMERT