Report of Faculty Development Programme

MarathwadaMitra Mandal’s IMERT Pune organised Faculty Development Programme for MM group faculty members on 18 May 2020, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. To build up the morale of faculty members by reducing the fear and opening doors of opportunity through positive thinking, the theme of FDP was “Building confidence in Times of Uncertainty”.
Dr.Uttam Sapate, Professor, MM’s IMERT welcomed and introduced the speakers and trainers of the FDP Mr Jay Naidu, Mrs Anupama Naidu and Ms Tanuja Koshy.

Mr Jai Naidu, a trainer, Management Consultant and Psychologist, guided the faculty members about the current situation of Covid-19 pandemic. What world has faced earlier during world war III, during earthquake and during Tsunami situations, how people recovered from it due to high morale. How lockdown has compelled individual to think differently and explore the potential within him/her. He discussed about the opportunities post Covid-19 and challenges to be faced by faculty members.

Mrs Anupama Naidu Yoga trainer, guided faculty members about the state of mind during happiness, anger and anxiety. We all have to maintain health and hygiene of mind and keep mind healthy in all situations of life. She explained the importance of meditation to keep mind healthy. Yoga as therapy for healing of mind and body. Breathing can make the difference and relax your mind and energise your body and keep us fit.

Ms Tanuja Koshy Yoga Trainer and Art of Living Teacher demonstrated the exercise of yoga in practical form. Exercisesfor eyes and neck for relaxation were demonstrated to release stress in these body parts caused due to excess use of electronic equipment’s like mobile, laptop, TV etc. during lockdown.She taught faculty members “Bhastrika”, a fast breathing technique to increase immunity of the body system and release harmful toxins from body.

“Kapalbhati” another breathing technique was taught to improve functioning of kidney and liver, enhance blood circulation and digestion. She provided experience to faculty members of guided meditationto reduce stress and develop concentration. The chanting of “Oam” mantra, refreshes mind with positive energy and increase calmness. Most of these exercises can be done while seated in the chair during free time from work.

There were more than 120 registrations and actual participation was about 75faculty members from MM group institutes. The FDP was conducted online through zoom platform. Online registrations and provisioning of participation certificates were automated through Google Forms.

Dr. Rupendra Gaikwad proposed vote of thanks to the guest speakers and management of MarathwadaMitra Mandal.