Dale Carnegie Training India: Workshop on Effective sales and Presentation Skills.

A Certified Training Programme on ‘Effective Sales and Presentation Skills’ was conducted on 1,2 and 3 September 2016 and earlier on 12th,13th and 14th August 2015.The workshop was conducted by Dale Carnegie Training India, a highly recognized Institute world-wide for both Marketing and Finance students.The three day programme built foundation for sales process and equipped them with skills for effective presentation.The participants were exposed to nine modules in all which included ‘Foundation for Consultative Selling’, ‘Generating Interest’, ‘Negotiation skills ‘, ‘Planning Presentations’ and ‘Presenting to Persuade’. The programme commenced with the ‘Sales Model’ with inputs on setting goals using ‘SMART’ formula, building rapport and establishing Credibility statements during sales call.The second day focused on evaluating the buyers perspectives,engaging the prospects emotions and methods for gaining commitment while the third day covered at length negotiation skills and elements of effective presentations. Role plays, demonstrations, activities and students participation through out the workshop enabled the students to get insights into the sales process.