Report of the Workshop conducted on Effective Action Plans

Dr. Sachin Bhide facilitated a full day workshop on Effective Action Plans on Saturday, 20th August 2016.

In this workshop, first year MBA students learned Pyramid Model of Action Plans. Details of the model are available for download at
. A group of two students each were assigned one self help book. Each of these books focus on one specific skill.
Students were taught two reading skills, scanning and skimming. Using these techniques, they quickly understood the essence of the book
Then students prepared Action Plan for studying the book in one month. This action plan they presented on chart paper.
Top three teams which presented Action Plans in best way were awarded with a gift.
Each group of students will present about the book/skill for ten minutes after one month. They will be asked to submit one page hand-written write up on the book/skill also.
Few photos of the workshop attached below. More photos of the workshop are available at

Feel free to provide your feedback to the facilitator at