A session on ‘Cyber Crime and Security’ was organized at IMERT on 15th March 2016 from 11.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m. This session was conducted by the Cyber Cell Team, Pune Police comprising of API Seema Sathe and Mr. Yogesh Thanage, Senior Project Manager, Data Security Council Of India under the direction of DCP Dipak Sakore, Cyber Crime ,Eco Offences and Narcotics. In this highly informative session, numerous issues related to Cyber Crime including ‘ Card Cloning’, ’Phishing’ ‘Voyeurism’ etc were discussed with the help of videos and power point presentation.

Both , API Sathe and Mr.Yogesh Thanage discussed about the precautions to be taken while interacting on Social Networking sites. They highlighted the fact that heedless use of social media may lead to pitfalls taking a serious turn many times.Variety of examples /day-to-day cases handled by them were shared which made the session thoroughly interesting and interactive. Around 100 students and faculties from IMERT and MMCOE,MBA attended the same. Dr. Shriram Nerlekar, Director, IMERT welcomed the guests by presenting them with a memento. The session was hosted by Aman Sinha ,MBA-I. Prof. Ruchira Tapre gave the vote of thanks while Prof.Vinod Mohite felicitated the guests.