Outstation Industrial Visit

Industrial Tour – Ahmedabad, Mount Abu (Feb 19, 2018 to Feb 24, 2018)

42 students and 3 teachers embarked on the Industrial Tour to Ahmedabad & Mount Abu on Feb 19, 2018.

On Day 1 of the tour, Feb 20, after visiting the Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad, the participants and the teachers proceeded towards Anand(on the outskirts of Ahmedabad) to visit the famed Amul factory.

Amul, a brand owned by the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is the largest dairy cooperative in the world. Two products are manufactured at the state of the art fully mechanized plant at Anand – milk powder and butter. Students saw how the butter flowing through pipes is converted into various pack sizes, packed in butter paper, cardboard and corrugated boxes with no/minimal human involvement. In the Q & A session following the plant visit, the Amul representative Mr. Richard fielded various questions from students ranging from milk collection to storage, logistics, distribution network etc. Post visit & Q & A session – students thronged the Amul store outside the factory gates to shop the wide range of Amul products for their family and near & dear ones.

On Day 2, Feb 21, after an early and sumptuous breakfast, all proceeded toward Jindal Worldwide Ltd’s factory in an industrial belt. At this factory, Jindal produces Denim garment for the readymade garment industry. Students saw how yarn is converted into fabric and saw the various stages through which the fabric is processed i.e. the washing, starching etc until it is dyed. This unit too had a high amount of automation, minimizing the role of the machine operators to supervision and control. The Admin Head Mr. Dwivedi was glad to answer the various questions from the students arranging from source of cotton to waste water treatment to the various customers of Jindal, impact of GST and many more. Post visit, after a traditional Gujarati meal in a restaurant, the participants proceeded toward the cool environs of Mount Abu.

On Day 3, Feb 22, at Mount Abu, as a part of the sight-seeing, the participants visited Universal Peace Hall of the Brahma Kumaris, the Dilwada Temple, Nakki Lake and sunset point which was followed by free time for shopping. The day concluded with dinner along a campfire.

On day 4, Feb 23 – the participants commenced their return journey which concluded on Day 5, Feb 24 with an early morning arrival at Pune railway station. The students will definitely cherish the memories of the tour for many years to come.

Institute of Management Education
Research and Training (IMERT)

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